Category 1) day by day 일상

Different happiness from different relationship 다른 관계 다른 행복

People feel happy from buying products or achievements like passing a test, getting promoted or even becoming a president. (As the presidential election of Korea is coming soon in December, it’s been the nation’s hottest issue) However, I believe more lasting and genuine happiness comes from relationships. We feel happy when we are connected to, […]

The same but very special morning 평범하지만 특별한 아침

Maybe I go to bed early recently, I’ve been getting up early for the past few days. This morning I also did, so I have more time to enjoy the calmness of the morning, before it gets too crowded with people and cars, as I drink warm water, listen to music and of course watch […]

Go back 10 years ago? 십년 전으로 돌아가기?

I know I am getting older and friends are getting older, so I hear more and more complaint about it and wish of going back to the past like “I wish I could go back 10 years ago.” What if it were possible? Would you choose time travel? Let’s assume you’ve travelled back 10 years […]

The real return 진짜 귀국

It was the Wednesday afternoon when my phone started ringing for the first time since I came back to Korea. I looked at my friend’s name showing on the display hesitating whether to answer for a while, and then eventually touched the answer icon. I wanted to have some quiet time for myself since I […]

Travel is about leaving? 여행이란 떠남일까?

On my way home after getting off an airport bus in the early Sunday morning, a Korean restaurant, by which I would just pass not noticing anything special, caught my eyes with its menu, that is printed on the front window. I felt awkward of reading the menu in Korean such as ‘삼겹살’(samgyupsal, grilled pork […]

사직공원 홈런타자

요즘이야 마을버스가 있어 시내에서 오기가 편하지만 예전만하더라도 역에 내려 저희집에 올려면 단단한 각오를 해야했습니다. 인왕산 근처 고지대에 있기 때문이죠. 집에 놀러오던 친구들이 언덕을 오를때 숨을 헐떡이던 생각도 납니다. 그래도 높은곳에 있어 홍수에도 별 걱정이 없고 운동도 많이 되는 것 같습니다. 산처럼 높은 곳에 있어 산동네라도 불리고 달과 가깝다 하며 달농네라 불리던 저희동네에 오는 방법은 몇가지가 […]


음식을 먹으면 곧 졸음이 옵니다. 많은 에너지가 음식물 소화에 쓰여 피곤해지기 때문입니다. 이렇게 매일 음식물 소화로 지친 소화기관을 쉬게하는 차원에서도 좋다고 알려진 단식을 해봐야겠다는 생각을 언제부터인지 하게됐습니다. 정말 맘먹고 일주일정도 하고 싶기도 한데, 두렵기도 하고 시간을 내기도 어려워 일주일에 한번 매주 월요일 저녁을 먹지 않기로 했습니다. 언제부터 시작했나구요? 바로 이번주 부터입니다.ㅎㅎ 사실 이생각을 한지는 몇개월 […]